When To Consider Sinus Surgery

When To Consider Sinus Surgery

Sinus issues range from acute discomfort to severe complications, impacting millions worldwide. Acute sinusitis, typically caused by viral infections or allergies, manifests with symptoms like facial pain, congestion, and nasal discharge. With proper care, acute cases often resolve within a few weeks.

However, chronic sinusitis presents a more persistent challenge. Its symptoms, including recurrent infections, nasal polyps, and impaired sense of smell, significantly affect quality of life. Sinus surgery may be helpful when conservative treatments like antibiotics and nasal sprays fail to provide relief.

Dr. Christine Gilliam, renowned at Everyone's ENT and Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX, may recommend surgery after thorough evaluation and exhausting non-invasive treatments. Factors such as the severity of symptoms, frequency of infections, and underlying anatomical abnormalities guide her decision. By addressing chronic sinusitis surgically, patients often experience long-term relief and improved sinus function, restoring their quality of life.

When To Consider Sinus Surgery

Sinus surgery becomes a consideration when you battle chronic sinusitis, a condition where inflammation in the sinus passages persists for an extended period. Dr. Gilliam may suggest sinus surgery in San Antonio, TX, when you've undergone all possible non-surgical treatments, including medications, nasal sprays, and allergy management, yet still endure persistent symptoms such as facial pain, pressure, congestion, and recurrent infections.

One key indicator is the frequency and severity of your symptoms. Surgery may alleviate symptoms if they significantly impair your quality of life, impacting your ability to work, sleep, or engage in daily activities. For instance, recurring sinus infections disrupting your productivity at work despite diligent medical management may signal the need for surgical exploration.

Another consideration is the underlying cause of your sinus issues. Structural abnormalities like nasal polyps, deviated septum, or chronic sinus blockages could necessitate surgical correction to alleviate symptoms effectively. If diagnostic tests, such as CT scans, reveal such issues contributing to your chronic sinusitis, surgery might be the next logical step to address them.

Consult Dr. Christine Gilliam for Sinus Relief

Symptoms like chronic congestion, facial pain, and difficulty breathing can significantly affect daily activities. When non-invasive treatments haven't provided relief, discussing surgical options becomes essential. Dr. Gilliam's expertise allows for a thorough evaluation of your condition, determining whether surgical intervention is suitable. Seeking her counsel demonstrates a commitment to improving your sinus health and overall well-being, ensuring personalized care and effective management of your symptoms.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Regain control of your sinus health and breathe freely again by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Christine Gilliam today to discuss sinus surgery in San Antonio, TX. Don't let sinus issues hold you back any longer. You can book an appointment at Everyone's ENT and Sinus Center by calling (210) 647-3838.